About the Course
The goal of this curriculum is to provide participants with the concepts and competencies needed to create solid, transformative business models that drive long-term value development. With all businesses going towards digital, it is essential for executives to be able to lead efforts for digital transformation and create an organisational culture that integrates technology and procedure. Participants will be able to: Recognise the subtleties of transformation technology; Discover new business models; and Acquire cross-domain insights by the end of this session.
- Recognise how evolving technologies affect corporate change.
- Learn how to develop digital competencies and put digital strategies into practise so that your organisation can stay ahead of the curve in the digital age.
- Learning how to leverage digital technology and creating a digital culture will help an organization's bottom line.
Potential Recruitment Companies
- Accenture
- Microsoft
- McKinsey & Company
- PwC
- Tata Consultancy Services
Admissions Criteria
- For Indian Participants: Graduates or Diploma Holders from a recognized university in any field are eligible to participate.
- For International Participants: Graduation or an equivalent degree from a recognized University or Institution in their respective country is required.
Potential Job Profiles
- Strategist Manager
- Digital Transformation
- Analyst Consultant
Career Progression
With the right skills and experience, graduates of the DTS program can progress to senior-level positions in the field of digital transformation. Some of the potential career progression paths include: Digital transformation manager to chief information officer (CIO) Chief digital officer (CDO) to chief executive officer (CEO) Business analyst to data scientist Software engineer to software architect Project manager to program manager
Perks Of Industry
The digital transformation industry is growing rapidly, and there is a high demand for skilled professionals. This means that graduates of the Executive Development Programme in Digital Transformation Strategies can anticipate having a wide range of employment options and decent wages.
Eligibility For Joining The Course
A minimum of 50% aggregate in the Graduation and at least 7+ years worth of experience. Any postgraduate degree with at least five years of professional experience is acceptable.